Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One for the carnivores: Filet of Beef on Salt

A good filet of beef is pretty hard to top. While it doesn't have the intensity of flavor a Rib-Eye can offer, properly prepared it will meld in your mouth. But you need high-quality ingredients. This is not a good time to try to safe money - if you are going to cook a filet of beef, make sure you get the best meat available. Assuming that you do, there is no need to get overly fancy in terms of preparation, good ingredients speak for themselves. The beauty of this particular recipe is that it's 100% fail-safe. It always works. I promise!

Ingredients (for 4)
2x 400-500gr filet of beef (thick end)
500gr coarse sea salt


1. Whenever you cook meat, make sure that you take it out of the fridge a good two hours before you are going to start. This is particularly important here because the actual preparation time is so short. Once the meat has warmed to room temperature, rub it with a bit of sea salt, black pepper, and olive oil. 

2. Heat your oven to 250°C. 

3. Mix the salt with a couple of tablespoons of water and evenly spread it on an oven tray (I used a pizza tray here). The surface area needs to be big enough to place the meat on it.

4.When the oven has reached temperature, place the tray with the salt (NOT the meat) inside. After 20mins the salt will have formed a hard, searing hot crust. Now you place the filet on the salt.

5. After 9 Minutes (exact), you turn the meat around and leave it in the oven for another 9 minutes. Don't experiment! I know it seems short, but trust me! When the time is up, take the meat out of the oven and loosely wrap it in some aluminum foil. Allow to rest for 15min (no short-cuts here!). The meat will now be perfect...medium on the sides, medium-rare towards the middle.

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